The Smith Kline and French Company (SKI®), in the early 1960s was producing the Ekoline series of A-mode equipment for echoencephalography and echocardiography use. They were starting to introduce B-mode equipment to their line and had tried to persuade the Hahnemann Medical College to perform the clinical testing. J Stauffer Lehman's laboratory and his staff were responsible for all the trying-outs and improvements. The compound scanner with the water-bath was the most successful and was sensationally reported in the LIFE® Magazine in 1965. The equipment was nevertheless cumbersome and expensive to fabricate and later on a smaller company, Hoffrel® took up the production of Lehman's machines. After the expiration of SKI's contract, Lehmann turned to use the articulated arm (the porta-arm) scanner from Physionics Inc® (later on became Picker Inc®).George Evans, then a young Radiologist, was responsible for organizing the services and several important research projects. With his team was Marvin Ziskin. Together they have introduced ultrasound to the Radiological community in the United States and convincing them of the technique's clinical value.
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